Access Driving School

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Established in 1998, we have provided driver’s education to thousands of individuals, including young adults, professionals, spouses and families and newcomers to Canada. Our expertise lies in taking into consideration the needs of each student, and designing courses that can benefit drivers of any skill level. Our mandate includes a commitment to the student first, providing an environment where professionalism, security, and comfort are top priorities. We appreciate the responsibility of teaching you some of the most important skills you will learn in your life and take that responsibility very seriously. We know that unlike most lessons that we take in our lives, quality driving courses have the potential to save a life on a daily basis.

40K Blvd St-Charles Beaconsfield
H9W 5Z6

(514) 630-7703 (Voice)


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Primary category: All Other Schools and Instruction (61169)
Secondary category: Technical and Trade Schools (61151)