Promus GTA

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Promus is a 100% Canadian owned company with 15 community based partners, working towards helping people get back their life on track after being struck with a property damage adversity. With over 35 years of experience in the restoration industry, we have managed to gather a team of 350+ people working all across Ontario, and a fleet of over d215 vehicles. Our 24/7 and 365 days a year service makes sure that we begin with the restoration process as soon as we receive your call. With a team of skilled staff members, including painters, carpenters and drywall techs, we have been helping people restore, renew and recover from adversities with our dependable services.

94 Kenhar Drive
Suite 101

North YorkON
M9L 1N2

(289) 236-2299 (Voice)


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Keywords: Building Restoration Service, fire damage restoration, water damage restoration, water damage, fire damage, flood cleanup, mold removal, mould remediation
Primary category: Remediation Services (56291)
Secondary category: All Other Specialty Trade Contractors (23899)
Number of employees: 20 to 49