Security Surveillance Group

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Security Surveillance Group is a leader of innovative security products in Canada. We provide a unique variety of surveillance systems such as security cameras, vehicle cameras, CCTV, digital video recorders, video intercoms, access controls, and much more. We cover you from start to finish, from choosing the right product, to installation and maintenance. Our team of professionals is always eager to ensure nothing but satisfaction from our valued customers. We build unique systems for commercial businesses or private residences. Here at Security Surveillance Group we pride ourselves on professional customer service and keeping your home and/or business safe. Some of our clients include St. Catharines Mazda, Henley Honda, Subaru of Niagara, Peninsula Plastics, Rose City Chrysler, Keefer

4786 Queen Street
Niagara FallsON
L2E 2M3

(905) 401-0789 (Voice)


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Keywords: surveillance systems, HD-CVI, analog security cameras, IP security cameras, wireless cameras, vehicle cameras, spy cameras, CCTV, digital video recorders, video intercoms, access controls
Primary category: Security Systems Services (56162)
Number of employees: 5 to 9