Restoration 1 Ottawa

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If you live in the Ottawa area and your home or office is suffering from fire, storm, sewage, mould, or water damage, contact Restoration 1 Ottawa, and we can have a team on site in minutes to perform an assessment and begin treating and reversing the damage. Our emergency restoration technicians are available 24/7 and have the tools and the training to handle any situation. Our IICRC-trained technicians are available 24/7 and can be at your door within minutes of receiving your call. Call Restoration 1 Ottawa today to minimize and mitigate ground or rain water flood damage and restore your Ottawa area home or office to its former glory.

2570 Edinburgh Place
K1B 5M1

(613) 510-1236 (Voice)


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Keywords: sewage clean-up, flood pump-out and extraction, fire & smoke clean-up, leaking basement, wet basement repair, basement waterproofing
Primary category: Home and Garden Equipment and Appliance Repair and Maintenance (81141)