Addiction Canada

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We understand our clients need and deserve dignity and respect and that’s why our recovery process is geared to treating each of our clients with a high level of one-on-one attention so their recovery can be monitored at every step along the path to wellness. In the end, it all makes for an extremely effective healing environment for drug addiction rehabilitation.We at Addiction Canada also treat underlying issues including but not limited to Concurrent Disorders, Mental health issue brought about by prolonged substance abuse as well as other addictions. Our great Psych program helps those dealing with other addictions such as gambling, sex, eating disorders among others.

125 Edward Street
L4G 1C3

(866) 220-6151 (Voice)


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Keywords: Addiction Canada, medical detox, sober coach, substance abuse rehab, substance abuse recovery, drug rehab centre, drug addiction intervention, alcohol rehab centre, addiction recovery centre
Primary category: Other Out-Patient Care Centres (62149)
Secondary category: Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Hospitals (62221)