Wynn Fitness Clubs Downtown Toronto

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Wynn Fitness Clubs Downtown Toronto is committed to helping you achieve your health and fitness goals. Our Toronto gym has the best exercise equipment and a team of professional personal trainers that will motivate you to reach your fitness goals. Our Toronto health club offers several of our unique health and wellness programs including Wynn Physio, Wynn Max, personal trainers and group exercise classes. Check out our Downtown Toronto group fitness class schedule online which includes fitness bootcamp, hatha yoga, zumba classes, spin classes and more! Our Toronto gym also offers Elite Martial Arts training.

98 The Esplanade
M5E 1A9

(416) 366-9966 (Voice)


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Keywords: downtown toronto, health club, fitness clubs, exercise, fitness, exercise classes, personal trainers, fitness instructors, gyms, group exercise, wellness, physiotherapy, physiotherapists, nutritionists, group, fitness, yoga, zumba, pilates, bootcamp
Primary category: Fitness and Recreational Sports Centres (71394)
Secondary category: Athletic Instruction (61162)