Seismyc Partners

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Owning a small business is the loneliest job in the world. Only your competitors truly understand your challenges...and THEIR interest in your issues is low (to say the least)! OUR interest is very high--particularly with owners of businesses less than $1,000,000 per year. That's what SEISMYC Partners does. As your personal business coach, we're in your corner. Our relationship provides you with a Dec. 31 sales forecast EVERY DAY. This maximizes your chances of making operational corrections very quickly--optimizing annual profitability. Imagine what you'd do differently if you knew--for certain--what your year end sales were going to be! Most of our clients know, +/- 5%, what their sales will be by May/June. You could too. But we are not just another "internet website". EACH WEEK, we mee

10A Kimberley Avenue
Suite 405

P1L 0A4

(705) 687-3057 (Voice)


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Customer Communication to

Enable Email link, Website link and Contact form. Without these links, customers must contact you by phone or going to your physical address.
Make it simple for customers to get in touch with you.


Keywords: Business Coach
Primary category: All Other Professional, Scientific and Technical Services (54199)
Number of employees: 1 to 4