Rib 'N Reef Steakhouse

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Rib 'N Reef is a high end steakhouse restaurant with a luxurious atmosphere. Established for 52 years, Rib 'N Reef is a steak house that provides customers a reach to the meat of the highest quality. These USDA certified meats are used to whip up a tasty menu offered to customers. Thus, in this menu you can find dishes such as rib steak with different cuts (cuts P.K's or junior), steak "au poivre" to the milk veal cutlet parmigiana, seasoned prime rib and roasted over low heat, but also the sleeve chicken breast. Savory sauces as soaring pepper, mushroom or béarnaise accompany these delicious meat. The Rib 'N Reef restaurant steakhouse, is also raw vegetables and fresh fish as a seafood restaurant too. Those who are not followers of the meat may opt for the shrimp, oysters, etc.

8105 boul Decarie
H4P 2H5

(514) 735-1601 (Voice)


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Keywords: steakhouse restaurants, steakhouse restaurant, steak, steak house, restaurant steakhouse, steak house restaurant
Primary category: Full-Service Restaurants (72211)
Number of employees: 20 to 49