Quincy Vrecko & Associates

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Quincy is the company's Exclusive Luxury Estate Agent and was recently awarded #1 in Luxury sales for RE/MAX Kelowna, and recognized in the top 2% for sales worldwide. He has been in the luxury industry for 26 years and has proven that luxury homes need a unique marketing and sales approach. Quincy is an expert in sales and has strong negotiating skills from his years in the luxury automotive industry. Quincy is well known in the business community both in Alberta and BC and has the reputation for being hardworking, outgoing and assertive. BC born and raised, Quincy got his drive from competing as a national level gymnast for 12 years, winning awards for the province.

1391 Ellis Street
V1Y 1Z9

(250) 863-8810 (Voice)


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Keywords: kelowna real estate, luxury real estate, kelowna realtors, mls real estate, houses for sale
Primary category: Offices of Real Estate Agents and Brokers (53121)
Number of employees: 10 to 19