Youngevity, Independent Distributor

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What if you could wake up each day full of energy and vitality with that unmistakable glow of radiant good health, abundant possibilities and ample prosperity? That’s what Youngevity is all about! Youngevity is a technologically advanced, stable nutrition company dedicated to improving lifestyles and empowering individuals. We do this by promoting vibrant health and providing a proven business opportunity. Since 1997, Youngevity has been delivering high-quality, innovative health care products.

822 Ward Street
Unit 2

K0L 1H0

(613) 848-6952 (Voice)


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Keywords: What if you could wake up each day full of energy and vitality with that unmistakable glow of radiant good health, abundant possibilities and ample prosperity? That’s what Youngevity is all about! Youngevity is a technologically advanced, stable nutrition company dedicated to improving lifestyles and empowering individuals. We do this by promoting vibrant health and providing a proven business opportunity. Since 1997, Youngevity has been delivering high-quality, innovative health care products.
Primary category: Other Health and Personal Care Stores (44619)
Secondary category: Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses (45411)