Lake Country Animal Hospital

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We are a full service veterinary clinic that provides care to small animals including dogs, cats and pocket pets, such as ferrets, rabbits, and guinea pigs. Our services include routine preventative care, diagnostic testing, surgical services and veterinary dental care. Our goal is to serve our patients through all life stages so that they enjoy long, happy and healthy lives. The bond between a pet and their owner is a very special one, and our veterinary team is dedicated to enhancing this wonderful relationship.

3843 Soules Road
L3V 0V3

(705) 326-4800 (Voice)


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Keywords: veterinary, surgical, dentistry, dog, cat, small animal, orillia, compassionate, quality, care, customer service, bond, pet, owner, family, team, disgnostic, preventive, veterinarian
Primary category: Veterinary Services (54194)