Snowdon HVAC

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We are a HVAC wholesaler that specialize in electric motors. I felt it appropriate to start with a brief history of our company. Way back in 1972, Gerry Boyer had this idea to start a motor shop, he approached Ted LeBlanc, his brother in law, about starting a company together. 44 years later we are the leaders in Eastern Canada. Every entrepreneur knows that you have to do everything possible to make your business work. My uncle and step-father epitomize this. They would take jobs that would often keep them working 48 hours straight because they needed to make ends meet. They would sleep for a few hours on a work bench, desk, or chair then get back at it.

1750 Courtneypark Drive East
Unit 8

L5T 1W1

(905) 670-4822 (Voice)
(855) 670-4822 (Toll free)


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Keywords: Canada Hvac Distributor, Mississauga Hvac Distributor, Ontario Hvac Distributor
Primary category: Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment (except Automotive and Electronic) Repair and Maintenance (81131)
Number of employees: 5 to 9