Country Hills Crematorium

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For generations Calgary Crematorium have been dedicated to serving Calgary and its surrounding areas. Calgary Crematorium, located within the heart of Queens Park Cemetery, offers a peaceful and tranquil setting for family and friends attending funeral services. Please contact Calgary Crematorium for more information on Calgary Crematorium 's long established connection with the community of Country Hills. Calgary Crematorium, located within the heart of Queens Park Cemetery, offers a peaceful and tranquil setting for family and friends attending funeral services. Please contact Calgary Crematorium for more information on Calgary Crematorium 's long established connection with the community of Country Hills.

3219 4th Street NW
T2M 3A6

(403) 299-0111 (Voice)


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Keywords: Country Hills Crematorium, Calgary Cremation, Calgary Cremation Prices, Calgary Cremation Services, calgary cremation, calgary funeral home, Funeral, cremation, cheap cremation, immediate cremation, simple cremation , low cost cremation
Primary category: Funeral Homes (81221)