Mike Taylor Photo Arts

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I don't really like being classified as a "photographer" per se, as practically any person who picks of a camera or smartphone will tend to call themselves a photographer. It's a term that is just too easy to toss around. I think it would be more accurate to describe myself as a photo artist. Many of the images I create for myself and for others have roots in the painting styles of 17th and 18th century painters, such as Johannes Vermeer and Rembrandt. My images for builders, utilize a careful attention to lighting, shape and detail. Images of people draw from the styles of the European masters and their amazing skills with the brush. If you want a photograph to document your project, call a photographer. If you want to affect the viewer of the image of your project, call a photo artist.

205 Wilson Street
K9J 1S7

(705) 931-9623 (Voice)


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Primary category: Photographic Services (54192)
Secondary category: Independent Artists, Writers and Performers (71151)