L'Appartement Resto Lounge

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L’APPARTEMENT - Resto Lounge A restaurant and a lounge: two floors, two ambiances. Old-Montreal would be unrecognizable without L’Appartement, well known for its contemporary menu and its conviviality. In an urban decor, the chic and the laid-back intertwine to a trendy mix of soul and house music. As the evening progresses, the DJ shapes his sounds to the pulse of the clientele.

600 Rue William
H3C 1N6

(514) 866-6606 (Voice)


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Keywords: meilleur restaurant vieux montreal, terrasse old montreal, trendy restaurant old montreal, moules frites vieux montreal, resto branché vieux montreal, restaurant lounge old montreal, best brunch montreal, best restaurant in montreal, brunch vieux montreal, terrasse vieux montreal
Primary category: Full-Service Restaurants (72211)