Newa Canada

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The Newa is an innovative handheld skin rejuvenation treatment which promotes skin firming and skin tightening. The Newa can be used at your convenience, in the comfort of your own home. Developed by EndyMed, the Newa incorporates 3DEEP technology to help create collagen by delivering radio frequency energy waves that penetrate into the deep layers of the dermal issue. It will give your skin a warm sensation while restoring your skin’s youthful appearance. EndyMed has proven its credibility with their highly effective 3Deep technology. Since 2007, EndyMed has provided new innovative technologies for dermatology clinics as well as home use. Their devices have been cleared by the FDA and are CE marked. They are developed and monitored by the International Organization for Standardization.

25 Royal Crest Court
L3R 9X4

(424) 244-6392 (Voice)


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Keywords: anti aging device Ontario, skin care Ontario, skin tightening Ontario, skin firming Ontario
Primary category: Cosmetics, Beauty Supplies and Perfume Stores (44612)