Uptown Montessori School

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Uptown Montessori School is a private school offering year-round programs for students aged 6 months to 6 years old and is designed to complement the Montessori philosophy. Our supportive, safe, and loving environment features a year-round extended day program that has been designed to enrich the emotional, intellectual, social, and physical development of your child. Holding the belief that all children are unique in their abilities, UMS encourages children to progress at their own pace, based on their individual needs and abilities. Instruction is in English, but we also provide French and Italian classes. Our custom-designed building has been carefully planned to provide a safe, healthy and stimulating environment to nurture your child's growth.

61 Creditview Road
Unit 2

L4L 9T1

(905) 882-3090 (Voice)


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Keywords: Montessori school, day care, Montessori school in Woodbridge, Daycare in Woodbridge, Day care in Woodbridge, Montessori school in Vaughan, Daycare in Vaughan, Day care in Vaughan, Child care in Woodbridge, Child care in Vaughan, March break programs, Summer camp, March break camp
Primary category: All Other Schools and Instruction (61169)
Secondary category: Child Day-Care Services (62441)
Number of employees: 10 to 19