Pride Marine Group

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Pride of Muskoka is the original Pride marina which opened in 1986. Pride of Muskoka grew from a small, family run lake side gas dock and service department, to a large 80 crewmember boating destination. The Cabana Boardshop and Dock Store has everything from bikinis and flip flops to wakeboards and Stand Up Paddle Boards. Pride of Muskoka is a great place to stop for an ice cream and fill up while out on the lake. - Sales, Service and Parts, - 46 Wet Slips and Valet Service, - Scoop Ice Cream, - Gas Dock, - Cabana Board Shop and Dock Store, - 200 Covered and 300 Open Storage Slots

1785 Beaumont Drive
P1L 1X1

(800) 991-3006 (Voice)


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Keywords: Boat Sales Muskoka
Primary category: Marinas (71393)