Park Lane Dental Specialists

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Have you been referred for specialized dental care by your dentist? We are an advanced specialized care dental practice, located in downtown Halifax, providing periodontal, prosthodontic, orthodontic, cosmetic, and other dental services to Halifax and area residents. The majority of our patients are referred by local dentists, and we work hand-in-hand with your dentist to ensure that your treatment plan with us forms an integral part of your overall dental health plan. Our dentists have extensive training and experience in their areas of focus, so you can be assured that we will provide the best quality care possible. Our dentists look forward to working with you for betterment of your dental health. We look forward to meeting you!

5657 Spring Garden Road
Suite 600

B3J 3R4

(902) 422-5454 (Voice)


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Keywords: Halifax Dentist
Primary category: Offices of Dentists (62121)