RiverHouse Marina, Restaurant & Pub

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RiverHouse is the perfect three-in-one: restaurant, pub, & marina. Enjoy the eye-catching views, tasty brews, & mouth-watering dishes! RiverHouse Restaurant & Pub is proud to be a family-friendly and family-owned establishment since 1997. We enjoy a rich history and relationship with the community of Delta and hold multiple events throughout the year. Combining fine-dining-quality food with a friendly, casual atmosphere, we aim to make your RiverHouse experience as memorable as possible. Whether you’re hungry for some brunch, in the mood for some afternoon tapas, or ready for dinner and a lovely evening, we’re likely to have something for everyone at your table. We also have a Kids menu that your precious ones are sure to adore.

5825 60 Avenue
V4K 4E2

(604) 946-7545 (Voice)


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Keywords: best restaurant in delta, Fish restaurant delta, Seafood restaurant delta, Delta tapas restaurant, Delta pub, Pub in ladner, Delta seafood restaurant, Seafood restaurant ladner
Primary category: Full-Service Restaurants (72211)
Secondary category: Drinking Places (Alcoholic Beverages) (72241)