Acrylique Nail Spa

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We are a young and thriving nail spa, equipped with full services such as gel manicures, acrylics, gel builder, nail art, pedicures, eyebrow services, facials, waxing, etc. The main goal, however, is ensuring that each and every customer leaves the salon a satisfied friend. Acrylique likes to go above and beyond the expectations of an average nail salon by providing unmatched customer service, a variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages that quenches everyone's "thirst-buds", convenience of scheduling appointments and being serviced at your appointment time, a customer loyalty rewards program that gives back to the customer...for we know that you have many choices of nail salons and we always want to show our appreciation for continuously choosing Acrylique as your preferred salon.

145 S. Maryland Avenue

(818) 662-0404 (Voice)


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Keywords: Nail spa, barber shop, bar, nail art, nail salon, gel nails, pedicure, manicure, nail bar, acrylic nails, gel nails
Primary category: Other Personal Care Services (81219)
Secondary category: Hair Care and Esthetic Services (81211)
Number of employees: 10 to 19