Aurora Technology Development

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Aurora Technology Development Inc. is a Toronto based web/APP design and development company, founded in July of 2015. In a year, we have now grown to a team of 20 IT professionals. A leading team of web designers, developers and electronic engineers who used to work in Global Fortune 500 companies owning exceptionally professional background dedicate the most innovative technology to our customers. Together, we believe in providing customers with the best service in terms of professional and enthusiastic, adopting an infinite, inspiring and innovative approach to all Internet applications development to offer a unique and superior service to small business owners, in comparison to what is currently available.

500 Alden Road
Unit 210

L3R 5H5

(905) 475-6656 (Voice)


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Enable Email link, Website link and Contact form. Without these links, customers must contact you by phone or going to your physical address.
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Keywords: toronto website development, toronto website desing, toronto ecommerce web development, toronto seo services
Primary category: Internet Publishing and Broadcasting (51611)
Secondary category: Software Publishers (51121)
Number of employees: 10 to 19