Hambrock Holistic Healing Center

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Our center is made of a collection of Holistic Practitioners coming together from different backgrounds to create a team of healers with a common vision. The vision is to create a friendly, environmentally aware, peaceful space where individuals and families can do the work of healing and finding balance in their lives. Although we often do what is referred to as alternative medicine, we prefer to be considered complementary medicine. We believe in western medicine and eastern medicine as paths to healing. As each has it's place in healing. A treatment at our Center can look in many ways. It might look like starting with a meditation class, followed by an integrated massage, then HypnoTherapy and Crystal Attunement. Or you could just come for a facial or a class.

297 Herndon Parkway
Suite 105


(571) 331-9208 (Voice)


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Keywords: Massage Therapy, Hypnosis, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Healing Crystal Jewelry, Physical Therapy, Pregnancy Therapy, Hypno Fertility, Hypno Birthing Classes, Life Coaching, Relationship Coaching
Primary category: Other Personal Care Services (81219)
Secondary category: Offices of All Other Health Practitioners (62139)