Ajax Professional Carpet Cleaners

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We clean carpets! Specializing in residential carpet cleaning and commercial carpet cleaning, we are a trusted partner that meticulously works on those dingy carpets to bring them back to life. Beyond the look and feel on your feet of a freshly cleaned carpet we understand the importance to your health in eliminating dust and allergens in your home. If you are a home owner or a business owner and have stained carpets from spills or pet accidents, we have the tools and the expertise to have them removed. Our trained and certified technicians will work with you in helping you understand our carpet cleaning process and walk you through the work that will be completed. Our service area includes the cities of Toronto, Scarborough, Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa and Clarington.

157 Harwood Avenue North
Unit 246C

L1Z 0B6

(647) 559-1979 (Voice)


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Keywords: home carpet cleaning, office carpet cleaning, residential carpet cleaning, commercial carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, carpet stain removal, carpet spot removal, pet stain removal
Primary category: Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Services (56174)
Number of employees: 5 to 9