Chocolate River Yarns & Fibres

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Chocolate River Yarns & Fibres is a bricks & mortar store located in Upper LaHave, NS on the LIghthouse Route, only 7 minutes from Bridgewater and close to Lunenburg and Mahone Bay. We’re 10 minutes from the LaHave Ferry on the east side of the River. We are Canada’s largest retailer of Henry’s Attic Yarns and offer an extensive range of undyed, natural yarns, spinning and weaving fibres and alpaca batts. Our stock of hand dyed and painted yarns, felting fibres, pre-felts & batts are sourced in Canada. We try to support our own home grown artisans and Indie makers. We also some of the larger brand names, such as Sugar Bush and Ancient Arts that you see featured in Vogue Knitting and Interweave magazines. We continue to build stock monthly and we hope you’ll stop by the shop.

6466 NS-332
Upper LaHaveNS
B4V 7B3

(778) 833-2315 (Voice)


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Keywords: yarn, undyed, merino, alpaca, silk, bamboo, cotton, linen, roving, felting batts, quilt batts, natural fibre, knit, crochet, spin, weave, hand-dyed, hand-painted, Canadian produced, one-of-a-kind
Primary category: Sewing, Needlework and Piece Goods Stores (45113)