Mavis Convenience

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Mavis Convenience is an all around convenience store for a large variety of products and services, from a grocery store, dry cleaner, passport photo, lottery and so much more. Mavis Convenience store is located in Mississauga, ON and has been serving the community and surrounding areas for several years. Our friendly staff is on hand to answer your questions and help you find your items. When you want a cup of coffee or your suit dry cleaned, call on Mavis Convenience, they have something for everyone.

808 Britannia Road West
Unit 106

L5V 0A7

(905) 814-7266 (Voice)


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Keywords: Convenience Store, Dry Cleaners, Passport Photos, Lottery, Vapor Juice, E Cigs, Grocery Store, Tobacco, DVDs, Money Gram
Primary category: Convenience Stores (44512)