Hawkeye Bird & Animal Control

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Hawkeye is the ONLY pest bird and animal/wildlife control company in the Toronto Area to possess all three of these licenses/permits: Trapping of Fur Bearing Animals Permit: This allows us to offer home owners either a) Euthanize / Exterminate using humane methods b) Relocate an animal 1km away Advantage: PERMANENT REMOVAL & GUARANTEED RESULTS Falconry Permit: The use of birds of prey, hawks owl falcons eagles, to scare chase or remove in a natural way. Pest Control License: provide the chemical edge or answer to certain problems. These methods include natural pesticides.

1 Hycrest Avenue

M2N 6V8

(416) 429-5393 (Voice)
(855) 393-4295 (Toll free)


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Primary category: Exterminating and Pest Control Services (56171)
Number of employees: 10 to 19