Dr. Ken Harrison, Registered Psychologist

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I conduct a general practice in psychology that allows me to develop a breadth of knowledge and experience in understanding the psychosocial functioning of people. This informs my work in counselling, psychotherapy, and psychological assessments. Some of this work applies to diagnosable mental health conditions that may include depression, anxiety, insomnia, obsessions/compulsions, and trauma. Still, a good deal of my work focuses on everyday challenges of stress and adjustment that many of us encounter over our lifespan. This often includes the matter of forming and maintaining satisfying close relationships. Some of these challenges are rather weighty matters that can undermine psychological resilience and well-being.

10050 112 Street
Unit 806

T5K 2J1

(780) 483-8522 (Voice)


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Keywords: Psychologist, Psychotherapy, Counseling, Psychological Assessment , Marriage Counseling, Anxiety Treatment , Depression Treatment , Grief Counseling, Counseling Services , Therapy
Primary category: Offices of Mental Health Practitioners (except Physicians) (62133)