Sierrah Acres

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At Sierrah Acres, we offer equine assisted self-discovery sessions that involve working alongside the horse to achieve new grounds in your personal growth, healing and development. You will be guided through interactive exercises with the horse that are designed specifically for your desired areas of exploration and comfort level. Whether you'd like to practice mindfulness, build confidence, heal emotional wounds, or find a tranquil escape from everyday stress, our sessions are individualized to help you reach your goals. Since horses are incredibly sensitive to their surroundings and your energy, they will reflect your own body language back to you. When you change your personal rhythm, whether it's conscious or subconscious, a horse will respond.

593 4th Line North
L0L 2L0

(705) 770-3645 (Voice)


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Primary category: Horse and Other Equine Production (11292)
Secondary category: All Other Schools and Instruction (61169)