Brenwood Academy

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Thank you for your interest in Brenwood Academy. We have a long tradition of caring for and educating young children. Supporting excellent educational growth in Cherokee County and throughout the United States is our passion. The mission of excellence, motivation, and self-discipline is evident. Brenwood Academy is ready to care, nurture, and instill a love for learning in infants through fifth grade private elementary, all of which are an exceptionally important time in each child’s development. Each child and student is provided with a diverse and individualized education plan. Our goal is to develop confidence and skills that allow them to be become self-thinkers, independent, and leaders equipped for success in a dynamic and changing world.

8991 E. Cherokee Drive

(770) 704-4925 (Voice)


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Keywords: Private Day Care, Private Preschool, Private Kindergarten, Early Childhood Development, Infant Care , Day Care , Head Start Center, Preschool , Day Care Center, Child Care
Primary category: Child Day-Care Services (62441)
Secondary category: All Other Schools and Instruction (61169)