Randor Jewellery

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Diamonds have a long and storied history as being objects of desire. They are among the most precious and valuable stones in the world. No other object can express love, beauty, or desire quite like a beautiful, perfectly cut diamond can. These precious stones have been given as gifts throughout history, and are an essential part of our culture. The mere thought of one conjures up images of luxury and class, and their association with happiness is marriage is no accident. Weddings, engagements, anniversaries, or birthdays are all fitting occasions for giving this precious gift. We’ll help you find the perfect diamond ring for your next special occasion.

27 Queen Street East
Suite 605

M5C 2M6

(416) 847-1067 (Voice)


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Keywords: jewellery stores toronto, best jewellery stores toronto, jewellery store toronto, toronto jewellery stores, gold jewellery stores toronto
Primary category: Jewellery Stores (44831)