Outdoor Tankless

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We are a small business located in Longueuil, Quebec, Canada that believes in three things: low prices, fast shipping and great customer service. We started out in 2009 with a simple website selling a wide variety of portable water heaters for the great outdoors. In time we noticed that one of the products we were carrying stood out from all the rest due to its popularity with our customers: the Eccotemp tankless water heaters. These were in such high demand that in 2015 we decided to open an online store offering Eccotemp products only. This means that we can now concentrate our efforts on ensuring a better shopping experience for our customers and providing them with a quality product that is considered the best on the market in its category.

2426 rue De La Province
J4G 1G1

(800) 201-1228 (Voice)


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Primary category: Plumbing, Heating and Air-Conditioning Equipment and Supplies Wholesaler-Distributors (41612)