Carpet Cleaning Markham

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Carpet Cleaning Markham professional technicians will provide you with the highest standard of service in the cleaning and care of your carpets, area rugs, upholstery, wood flooring and tiles. We have over 10 years of experience and using our environmentally friendly cleaning techniques, we have been able to provide our customers with guaranteed 100% satisfaction. We provide free home estimates and can provide you with complementary replacement rug for the time your rug is being processed for cleaning or repair. We can pick up, deliver, roll and relay free and for convenience, we can offer evening and weekend appointments.

112 Southbrook Crescent
L6C 2H6

(289) 301-0919 (Voice)


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Keywords: carpet cleaning markham
Primary category: Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Services (56174)
Number of employees: 1 to 4