Mobility Orthopaedic Rehab Centre

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Dr. Crawford is a registered chiropractor and certified animal chiropractor practicing in Hamilton, Ontario. Prior to attending the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, she completed an honours degree in English literature at Trent University, then worked for five years as an equine veterinary assistant. Dr. Crawford is trained in diversified chiropractic technique, myofascial release, and functional rehabilitation. A former equestrian coach who specialized in riding biomechanics, she puts a lot of emphasis on building correct movement patterns and body awareness. Dr. Crawford is enthusiastic about collaborating with other health care professionals to ensure her patients receive the best care possible.

185 King George Road
Unit B2

N3R 7R9

(226) 989-8398 (Voice)


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Keywords: chiro, chiropractor, equine, horse, health, rehab, rehabilitation, massage, physio, physiotherapy, physiotherapist, equestrian, sport, doctor, physician, dog, canine, mobility, arthritis, injury, pain, performance, adjustment, manual, therapist, diagnose, myofascial release, ART, active release, therapy, training, tendonitis, specialist, headache, neck, back, spine, stenosis, disc, joint, runner, athlete, athletic
Primary category: Offices of Chiropractors (62131)
Number of employees: 1 to 4