Atkinson Artworks

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I am an “alla prima” painter drawing directly from models or still life set ups into my studio. To enable me to capture the essence of a landscape I sketch in pencil or complete small oil studies in the field then work them up into larger canvases in my studio. For life drawings, I prefer to use charcoal and pastel; but for landscapes and still life, I paint in oils and acrylics. According to some opinions, painting is dead…….painting is not dead yet – and in my experience there is a renewed interest in the arts. Culture is being viewed as a local economic driver and artists and artisans are being viewed as community resources. Websites, QR codes and the internet are available to everyone; especially those who may not visit an art gallery.

49 Willow Landing Road
L9X 0P9

(705) 722-8976 (Voice)


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Primary category: Independent Artists, Writers and Performers (71151)
Secondary category: Art Dealers (45392)
Number of employees: 1 to 4