Mamajoun Armenian Pizzeria

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The idea for creating authentic and unique Armenian Pizzas came from a long history of family recipes and traditions that we wanted to recreate and share with the people of Toronto. Growing up, our parents would make Lahmajoun by defining it with their own unique twist on an age old recipe which would in turn be the pride of each family for having what they considered the best blend of meat, spices, and consistency of dough. We believe that the love and effort put into each Mamajoun represents that same love and bond of family that we grew up with. For Armenians, this experience is nostalgic and also a legacy we would love to share with everyone, no matter what race, color, creed or religion.

209 Ellesmere Road
Unit 6

M1R 4E2

(647) 350-5686 (Voice)


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Keywords: Armenian pizzeria, Lahmajun, mamajoun, Joun, Toronto Armenian pizza, Toronto Lahmajun
Primary category: Limited-Service Eating Places (72221)