Milo Enterprises Inc.

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Milo Enterprises Inc. was founded in 2006. We started as a small family business and stand proud today with our operations expanded globally. We are the parent company of brands like: Jolt Pests, Spade Kitchenware, Acel Products, Rizen Electronics, Garden Tooler and Spotty Pet. At Milo, we take pride in our Canadian roots, creative designs, world-class products and customer satisfaction. In 2016, we began a comprehensive re-branding exercise for all our brands to ensure they align with our vision to become the worldwide leader of consumer products. With our passionate team, Milo is committed to achieving its vision, while continuing to pursue quality, innovation, pricing and service excellence.

655 W. Kent Avenue North
Unit 550

V6P 6T7

(604) 424-8228 (Voice)


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Primary category: All Other Wholesaler-Distributors (41899)
Number of employees: 1 to 4