Heart Centre Yoga

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Welcome to Heart Centre Yoga! An experienced yoga instructor with over 10 years teaching and 18 years practicing yoga. I specialize in alignment based Hatha Yoga with a focus on alignment and symmetry as well as the natural function of joints & muscles. My passion is working with you and your body to introduce you to a mindful yoga practice unlike any you would experience in a group yoga class. Available for one-to-one and small groups for private yoga sessions in-studio or privates and larger groups at your location. For Gentle and Therapeutic sessions, you don't have to be able to touch your toes, only be able to move and have an open mind. Phone for more information and rates.

720 Wagner St
P1P 1E1

(705) 801-5114 (Voice)


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Keywords: yoga, Yoga, yoga in Gravenhurst, yoga instructors, yoga instructors Gravenhurst, yoga in Muskoka, meditation in Muskoka, private yoga instruction, yoga therapy, therapeutic yoga, yoga therapy in Gravenhurst, therapeutic yoga in Gravenhurst, gentle yoga, gentle yoga in Gravenhurst, yoga for active seniors, mindful yoga
Primary category: All Other Schools and Instruction (61169)
Number of employees: 1 to 4