Krista Roesler Psychotherapy

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I have a Masters degree in psychology and I am extensively trained by the Adler Institute (OISE/UofT) as a life coach. My background allows me to recognize and change harmful thought and behaviour patterns. As my client, I will be right there beside you helping you create a positive and healthy lifestyle. My extensive life coach training and my Masters degree in psychology have taught me to not only to support and listen to you but also provide you with practical solutions and strategies to address these feelings/ let them go and move on.

20 Eglinton Avenue East Avenue
Suite 490

M4P 1A9

(888) 441-9141 (Voice)
(888) 441-9141 (Toll free)


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Keywords: Psychology, psychologist, psychotherapy, psychotherapist, Counseling, Therapist, counselor, couples counseling, marriage counseling
Primary category: Offices of All Other Health Practitioners (62139)
Secondary category: Offices of Mental Health Practitioners (except Physicians) (62133)
Number of employees: 1 to 4