Vancouver Mind-Body Centre

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Vancouver Mind-Body Centre is a registered Canadian Charity (No. S-58015) dedicated to improving our society through incorporating concepts of harmony, non-violence and confidence development. We have a mix of full-time and volunteer instructors, all are certified and top in their field. We offer programs that specifically target youth (and adults) in under-privileged areas. Our programs are accessible free of charge to youth in need. At Vancouver Mind-Body Centre, you’re not just a member; you are part of a community. We believe we achieve our goals when you achieve your goals. We know that joining a gym can be a difficult choice, this is why we are much more than a gym. As many of our loyal members can already attest, Vancouver Mind-Body Centre will become your home away from home.

4364 Fraser Street
V5V 4G3

(604) 377-3800 (Voice)


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Keywords: Kettlebell Training, Fitness, Martial Arts
Primary category: Fitness and Recreational Sports Centres (71394)