Predator Pest Eliminators

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Predator Pest Eliminators are a fully-licensed Winnipeg pest control company that offers bedbug, ant, termite, cockroach, mice and rat extermination services. Pest control in Winnipeg involves certain steps that can only be accomplished safely by a certified exterminator. We are equipped to handle all predator and pest problems you may encounter. My name is Terry Bruce. I grew up in a small country setting where I learned at a very young age how to manage and safely dispose of all sorts of predators or pests. Summer is on its way here and that also means breeding season for most predators and pests. Raccoons, squirrels, skunks, rabbits, wasps, bees etc, will be looking for a nice dry place to set up shop and have their young ones.

556 Selkirk Avenue
R2W 2M9

(431) 800-0509 (Voice)


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Keywords: pest control Winnipeg, Predator Pest Eliminators, rodent control, pest prevention, pest removal, exterminator, local pest control company, best exterminator services
Primary category: Exterminating and Pest Control Services (56171)