Redline Brewhouse

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Redline Brewhouse uses high quality ingredients from North America, Europe, New Zealand and Australia. We’re also continually sourcing high quality, interesting ingredients from close to home and further afield. Our approach to brewing is rooted in the Belgian and American schools of thought. With a strong tie to tradition, and respect for classic techniques, we also like to push ourselves, and push the boundaries of brewing. As with any awesome creation, there’s an art and science to brewing. Well there’s no doubt we would happily nerd out endlessly on all details, such as the joy of malt and hops and the differences between bitter, sweet, light and dark beer….at the end of the day, our goal is to brew beer you love, and beer that leaves you with a unique and memorable experience.

431 Bayview Drive
Unit 8 & 9

L4N 8Y2

(705) 881-9988 (Voice)


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Primary category: Breweries (31212)
Secondary category: Full-Service Restaurants (72211)