Local Thornhill Locksmith

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You are locked out. You cannot get into your home, business or vehicle. This can not only be a frustrating but can be dangerous in certain situations. You are in need of emergency locksmith services but cannot think of anyone to call. If you live in Thornhill or surrounding area, you are fortunate to have Local Thornhill Locksmith at your service. Local Thornhill Locksmith offers 24/7 emergency locksmith service and can be at your location within minutes of your initial call. Our certified locksmiths are trained to handle any emergency and will have you back in your business, home or vehicle in no time. Local Thornhill Locksmith are specialists in automotive locksmith services. We can handle emergency door unlocks and emergency trunk openings.

62 Spruce Avenue
Richmond HillON
L4C 6W1

(289) 472-5584 (Voice)


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Primary category: Security Systems Services (56162)
Number of employees: 1 to 4