Ferruccio Milanesi

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We are a leading handmade bespoke suit tailoring fashion house in Vancouver and Naples.We offer entirely made by hand premium exclusive luxury suits. We incorporate Neapolitan traditional and contemporary stitching techniques and craftsmanship to produce remarkable and elegant suits that bring pure bliss to the wearer in the highest level of sartorial excellence.

1951 Glen Drive
Fashion Exchange Building, Unit 124

V6A 4J6

(604) 801-6200 (Voice)


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Keywords: bespoke tailor vancouver, Custom Suits Vancouver, custom tailored shirts online, handmade goodyear welted shoes, navy blue jeans mens, bespoke trousers, mens leather belts canada, mens bow ties & pocket squares, silk pocket squares fold, hand painted silk ties, handmade bow ties, hand painted silk scarves canada, skinny wallet
Primary category: Men's Clothing Stores (44811)
Secondary category: Men's and Boys' Cut and Sew Clothing Manufacturing (31522)
Number of employees: 250 to 499