The Umansky Law Firm

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The Umansky Law Firm is an Orlando based criminal defense law firm who believes that everyone deserves a second chance. We believe that it's essential to work closely with out clients through every stage of the legal process. As former prosecutors who have tried hundreds of cases, we offer a unique perspective on each case that most other law firms can't provide. Visit our website to learn more about how we can help you with your case.

1945 E. Michigan Street

(407) 228-3838 (Voice)


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Keywords: Criminal Defense Lawyer, Personal Injury Lawyer, Criminal defense attorney, personal injury attorney, Orlando criminal defense attorney, Orlando criminal defense lawyer, Orlando personal injury attorney, Orlando personal injury lawyer, Orlando Juvenile crime lawyer, Orlando juvenile crime attorney, Orlando DUI attorney, Orlando dui lawyer Orlando drug charge attorney Orlando drug defense attorney, Orlando drug defense lawyer
Primary category: Offices of Lawyers (54111)