Canadian Addiction Rehab

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Canadian Addiction Rehab specializes in programs for addiction to alcohol, cocaine, crack, Fentanyl, OxyContin, hydromorphone, morphine, methadone. They also offer programs for anxiety, PTSD, and OCD. Their website provides clear and straightforward information about each of these categories, including the warning signs, effects, and long-term impacts. Canadian Addiction Rehab is the only facility that offers drug rehab in Toronto, Vaughan, Mississauga, Scarborough, Brampton, Hamilton, London, Markham, Kitchener, Ottawa, Montreal, Winnipeg and Winsdor.

1235 Bay Street
5th & 7th Floors

M5R 3K4

(855) 333-4681 (Voice)


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Keywords: Addiction Rehab Toronto, Alcohol & Drug Rehab Toronto Ontario
Primary category: Out-Patient Mental Health and Substance Abuse Centres (62142)