Elements Carpet Cleaning & Restoration

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Looking for the best carpet cleaning company in Windsor, Ontario? Elements is committed to complete customer satisfaction through quality of workmanship, quality products and quality customer service. We specialize in tile and grout cleaning along with our carpet cleaning services. Elements is family owned and operated offers tile and grout cleaning along with our carpet cleaning services. We are located in Windsor , Ontario and also serve LaSalle, Ontario. Elements has a friendly and flexible staff that can accommodate unique scheduling requests. Elements industry leading methods and personalized customer service ensures satisfied customers that keep coming back. Please visit our website for contact information and promotional offers.

1011 Roselawn Drive
N9E 1L3

(519) 819-9095 (Voice)


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Keywords: carpet cleaning Windsor, carpet cleaning Tecumseh Ontario, tile cleaning, carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning Windsor, carpet cleaning Windsor
Primary category: Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Services (56174)