The Healing Tree Dispensary

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The Healing Tree is one of Vancouver’s most trusted medical marijuana dispensaries. Providing access to medical marijuana for patients who have chosen it as part of their medical regimen. The Healing Tree currently operates three stores within the city of Vancouver. The Healing Tree is Vancouver’s premier medical marijuana dispensary serving the region with our 3 locations (and counting) + same day delivery and the rest of Canada through our mail order service. When you join us, you become a member of our family and as such our mission is to cater to our family by providing the highest quality medical grade cannabis as well as access to a wide variety of cannabis infused products including your favourite flowers, capsules, edibles and concentrates.

529 E. Hastings Street
V6A 1P9

(604) 559-9600 (Voice)


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Primary category: Other Health and Personal Care Stores (44619)