Panda Markham Condos

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The city of Markham is set to welcome another masterfully planned community in the Unionville neighbourhood of Markham. This residential high-rise condominium will encompass a vast area, with its exceptional design, by sitting atop a designated podium, coated with street level shops. The city has obtained praise for its economic growth, robust habitable facilities, and its public areas. Markham is one of the quickest developing cities in Ontario, it keeps growing at a speedy pace and its thriving property marketplace has blanketed a lot of ground. It has led to a few extraordinarily bold condo projects and developments within its boundaries.Panda Markham is the next coveted area that most will be looking to purchase or invest in. Don't miss out on this flourishing opportunity.

1 Warden Avenue
L6G 1C7

(647) 952-4457 (Voice)


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Keywords: Panda Markham Condos, Panda Markham Condominiums, Panda Markham Condo Project, Panda Markham Condos Floor Plans, Panda Markham Price List, Panda Markham Brochure, Panda Markham Incentives, Panda Markham Development, Panda Markham Towers
Primary category: Offices of Real Estate Agents and Brokers (53121)
Number of employees: 1 to 4