The Addison Residence

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Everyone knows the Addison's throw the best parties! But few people know who they are, and even fewer have ever made their acquaintance. They collect fine art and always have a stocked bar. They have amazing food on hand, and their friends are all so charming. And their house – my God. Have you seen their house? They really do have it all. It’s just too bad they’re never around to enjoy it. Think house party in the Hollywood Hills. Things get started at 8pm with $4 drinks until 10pm, Then our DJ takes over, playing an eclectic mix of current top 40 and nostalgic hits. Inside are three rooms: a kitchen, a living room and a rec room - plus a 5,000 sq. ft. backyard patio complete with outdoor games and boozy slushies.

456 Wellington Street West
M5V 1E9

(416) 260-9393 (Voice)


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Primary category: Drinking Places (Alcoholic Beverages) (72241)